Mental Health: Taking Care of Yourself During a Pandemic
We’ve been in a panorama—sorry, a pandemic, for over a year now and while the world seems to be making progress in some areas, things are far from “normal.” With everything going on, it can be easy to fall into a mental rut. It’s completely understandable if you have those days where your outlook on life isn’t the most positive. However, you never want to stay in that mindset for too long, as it can have a huge effect on your mental well-being. This article is for those of you who are feeling the strain of the pandemic and need a little reminder to take care of yourself.

Get some sunshine
The pandemic, along with quarantine, is already enough to make even the happiest person feel down. Add in seasonal affective disorder (SAD) on top of that, and you’ve got a real problem. The good thing is that spring is here, and the sun is finally making its grand appearance. Don’t underestimate the power of sunshine as it can increase serotonin levels and improve your mood. Take advantage of the increasingly nice weather by doing something outdoors. Whether that be hiking, going on a picnic, or even just walking around your neighborhood, dedicate some time to getting out of your home and getting that vitamin D.
Talk to someone
Just because you’re supposed to distance yourself from people physically doesn’t mean that you have to be isolated from them in other aspects of your life. Talking to your loved ones is crucial during troubling times, especially for people who live alone. Being able to talk about your day or things you’re worried about is a great way to relieve stress. For those of you who don’t necessarily have family or friends to listen to, don’t worry! Others are willing to listen. An online psychiatrist can help you navigate your feelings and get you to a better place mentally. There are also online support groups you can explore to talk to people who are having similar experiences.
Make time for self-care
There’s a common misconception that self-care is selfish, and that couldn’t be more untrue. There’s nothing wrong with doing things that make you happy, especially during times of stress. For those of you who are feeling overwhelmed and need a little self-care, there are things you can do. One thing that may have not been on your radar but should be is incorporating CBD oil into your daily routine. CBD has relaxing properties and applying some before certain self-care activities can add to the experience. For example, applying a roll-on aromatherapy CBD oil to the inside of your wrists after a relaxing bath or before going on an intense hike can help soothe your body and mind, setting the tone for the ultimate tranquil self-care day.

Give social media a break
Social media platforms have become wildly more popular during the pandemic and with good reason. From funny videos to serve as a distraction to news updates on important happenings in the world, you can easily get lost for a few hours on social media. That being said, sometimes it’s nice to unplug from these media outlets and give your brain a break. Being informed about what’s going on around you is good, but constantly seeing or hearing potentially upsetting news isn’t the best for your mental health. After your social media break, also consider following accounts that post positive content on Instagram or other platforms to make you smile rather than cringe.
Although the pandemic is still happening, that doesn’t mean you can’t live your life the happiest way possible. There’s only one you, so make sure you’re taking care of yourself and living life to the fullest.