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November 11, 2021

Podcasts for the Best of Sleep

As we’ve been championing the importance of good sleep this month, we thought it’d be appropriate to share some of our favorite podcasts for falling asleep. Whether you’re into story time, history, guided meditations, or ambient sounds, we’ve got something for you. We’ve polled our peers, read the reviews, and taken few of these for a spin ourselves, to bring you the best of the best in sleepy time podcasts. Enjoy and feel free to share. Everyone deserves good sleep.

Get Sleepy

Guided meditation? The Get Sleepy podcast boast to be a life changing resource for insomniacs, with guided meditations that help focus on relaxation. Each episode is a collaboration of sleep experts, voice-over artists, and writers.

Welcome to Night Vale

Welcome to Night Vale is quite an interesting concept. This ongoing podcast fronts as a late night radio show in a fictional town named Night Vale. With new episodes bi-weekly, the show shares community updates, news, and reports from the Sheriff’s office of this fictional town.

Deep Energy

Another alternative to spoken word is the deep soothing ambient music of the Deep Energy 2.0 podcast. This 60-minute fusion of ambient sounds and new age music is great for both sleep and mediation.

Boring Books for Bedtime

Here’s one your English teacher would love. For fans of literature, the host of Boring Books for Bedtime will read old pieces of literature from authors like Irving, Emerson, Galileo, or Aristotle. Quite hilariously, some catalogs and instructional manuals are also available for listening. This literature may not thrill you, but with some real classics, it’s a nice way to go.

Sleep With Me

Sleep With Me is a longtime staple of the sleepy podcast world. In this pod, Drew Ackerman tells long stories, with tangents that drone on and one. Scripted to be more of a hypnotism than a coherent story, Sleep With Me is great for those who want to fall asleep to much ado about nothing.

The Sleep Whispers

The Sleep Whispers podcast is all about whispered readings that can help you relax.  A bit more coherent than, Sleep With Me, the podcast has meditations, stories, poems, and other educational materials that help you full unwind in a soft dulcet tone.

Deep Sleep Sounds

If you’ve heard enough talking for the day, Deep Sleep Sounds posts a myriad of soundscapes to transport you to a tranquil world for a good night’s sleep. While they excel in traditional soundscapes of rain, waves, wind, and forest, they also have some very unique and specific soundscapes like cat purring, raining in a tent, japanese zen garden, walking on leaves, and even vacuum cleaner.

Stuff You Should Know

For some of us with wandering minds, we need something topical to keep our focus.  Stuff You Should Know is a great podcast with intriguing topics that are interesting, but just mundane enough to lure you to sleep. Much of their subject matter focuses on histories, origins, and customs. Learn about the invention of the submarines, the origin of tv dinners, or the secret world of flight attendants as you drift to sleep. 


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